About Me

32 | she/her | oregon/texas | intp | bpd

Hi, my name is Kristin and I run this blog by myself mainly out of nostalgia for early 1990s-2000s web. I have been coding and collecting old web content since I was 9 years old and have always found making gifs and websites an addicting hobby.

I currently live in southern Oregon, however, I am from a small town in east Texas. I always had a love for the outdoors and nature, therefore, moving here was a complete dream of mine I finally went after in my early 20s. Since then I have lived in big cities and small towns, however, I prefer country living and living sustainably. I currently am in the process of pursuing my passion in biology with a major in zoology and marine biology. My hobbies include gardening and botany, with specialization in trees and native plants, such as sequoias and redwoods. I also like drawing and illustration as well as painting every now and then. Journaling is another hobby of mine, hence making personal blogs which reflect my emotions of everyday life. I am a huge antique nerd and love to collect old and unwanted items. I like to crochet and maket things by hand and will be uploading patterns on here in the near future! I have 2 tuxedo cats: my baby little butt (shorthair) and a rescue boots (longhair) RIP Boots. I also have an aquarium stocked with neon tetras, panda & bandit corydoras, sunset platys, a clown pleco, and one albino bristlenose pleco with ramshorn snails. (update: I have since gotten a longfin green dragon pleco, a few dwarf gouramis and some asassin snails). I have always loved animals and being from Texas that never stopped me from having exotic pets when I was younger (which now I look down upon). I am a Zoology undergrad focusing in conservation of orcas in the pacific northwest (salmon eating). In my spare time I like to play World of Warcraft and watch too many David Attenbourough documentaries. I spend way too much time on the internet saving every image I come across that brings me at least one seratonin molecule. I am also a supporter of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) as I was diagnosed with it at 16 and have struggled ever since. Feel free to message me on discord if you are struggling or need help, I am always here for as a listening ear if you shall need, stranger and friend alike. If you have any questions you would like to ask, send me a message in the chat and I will post in my FAQ page. Have a look around and enjoy your stay!

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Art, biology, oceanography, being outdoors, gardening, animal keeping, aquariums, horses, going for drives in the mountains, reading, video games, digital painting, movies, world of warcraft, flower pressing, linguistics, crochet and knitting, music, antiques, cats, scrapbooking/journaling, drawing, candles, zoology, natural history, whale watching, the beach, driving through the redwoods, traveling, visiting national and state parks, horses, dressage and cross country, shadow boxes, green tea, taxidermy, conservation, orcas, botany, prehistoric animals, paletontology, watching the sunrise, cryptozoology, learning new things, swimming, being an introvert, rock collecting and geology, etc Hot weather, comedy stand ups, student loan debt, math, anxiety, socializing, being a passenger in a car, panic attacks, people who talk too much, insomnia, dr. appts, being sober, politics, the rapidly changing environment, astrology, not having my own horse, waiting to say something in a conversation and then have it change before I can say my part, death, my past, my hometown, sleep paralysis, black coffee, dead snail smell, spicy food, most governments, ocean pollution and super trawling, people who drive too fast, the sun, body hair, my scars, etc

Photo Gallery

Recently, I went on a journey through ancestry.com and learned a lot about my heritage and genealogy. I learned more about my fathers side of the family, especially through his birth dad. I learned I am mostly Scottish origin rather than Irish or English amongst others. And to learn I was part southern Indian!

See my story here

Picrew dolls~