To-Do List

I tend to put off a lot of things and when I do get motivated enough to start something new, I never see it through. I'm always procrastinating and giving up on projects but hopefully this list will be a reminder of sh!t I need to do, on the computer and in real life. :D

Personal Goals

  • Find a job with better pay.
  • Clean my apartment thouroughly.
  • Finish ONE video game to completion.
  • Leave the house more than once a week.
  • Save money to decorate new apt.
  • Explore Seattle and familiarize self with area.
  • Find a primary care physician.
  • Unpack my shit and organize what I need to get rid of.
  • Get registration on my jeep.
  • Focus on ME.
  • Find a therapist/psych ASAP.
  • Purchase a stun gun or mace.
  • Pick up a new book and finish it.
  • Work on DBT skills.
  • Re-learn crochet basics and start making amigurumi animals.
  • Organize my pressed plant collection.
  • Learn to manage stress and anxiety.

  • Website Goals

  • Learn some javascript.
  • Finish base layout for new homepage.
  • Make a new webgarden
  • Update layout.
  • Join more cliques.
  • Jump back into pixel art.
  • Make a new layout - theme? Aquatic, of course.
  • Update the aquarium page.
  • Update my WoW pages - add characters from classic.
  • Finish the Recipe page and add new items to the menu.
  • Make a webring page and join a few more.
  • Re-learn image maps.
  • Add a page devoted to botany and my pressed specimens.
  • ^ lets go ahead and add one for my skull collection too.
  • Start a Sticker Sheet Club page.
  • ^ and for Quilts too.
  • Finish making my pet profiles.
  • Make a 2022 wrap up page.
  • Make a bujo page.
  • Add a list page.
  • Make a virtual dream journal.
  • Make a library of books I have read.
  • Make IRL collection/hobby page.
  • Upload personal art?
  • Add a damn sitemap.
  • Update clique pages
  • Network more so I can get on page 1 babyyy
  • Be active and social again
  • Organize the scrapbook pages
  • Draw a teacup

  • Creative Ideas

  • Start a patio pond.
  • Make a junk journal.
  • Learn to sculpt miniatures